Recommended Reading

The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma
By: Kegan A. Chandler
At a very early stage in Church history, influences from the Greco-Roman world forcefully pressed the traditional God of Judaism through a system of pagan philosophy. The theological battles which followed produced serious problems for Christianity, and imperial edicts made…

They Never Told Me This in Church!
By: Greg Deuble
There is a consensus among many New Testament scholars that much of what the historical Jesus and his apostles taught has been submerged by an influx of post-biblical tradition. Subtle foreign influences, mostly from pagan Greek philosophy, which neither Jesus…

Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian
By: Anthony Buzzard
There is a growing concern among evangelical scholars that evangelicalism, its doctrine of God and of the Gospel, may not be as securely rooted in Scripture as is often uncritically imagined. The accounts of the historical Jesus and his saving…

Our Fathers Who Aren’t in Heaven
By: Anthony Buzzard
There is an impressive consensus among New Testament scholars that the Kingdom of God was the principal theme of all that Jesus taught. The Gospel about the Kingdom of God is actually the New Testament name for the Christian Message…

One God & One Lord
By: John W. Schoenheit, Mark H. Graeser & John A. Lynn
"Who do you say that I am?". Jesus of Nazareth posed this question to his followers nearly two thousand years ago, but the question still hangs in the air, requesting an answer from every person. Indeed, the question of the…

Truth in Translation
By: Jason David BeDuhn
Written with the student and interested public in mind, Truth in Translation aims to explain what is involved and what is at stake in Bible translation. It begins with brief treatments of the background to the Bible and its translation,…

When Jesus Became God
By: Richard E. Rubenstein
The life of Jesus, and the subsequent persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire, have come to define what many of us know about early Christianity. The fervent debate, civil strife, and bloody riots within the Christian community as it…

A.D. 381
By: Charles Freeman
In AD 381, Theodosius, emperor of the eastern Roman empire, issued a decree in which all his subjects were required to subscribe to a belief in the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This edict defined Christian orthodoxy…

The Doctrine of the Trinity
By: Anthony F. Buzzard & Charles F. Hunting
This important work is a detailed biblical investigation of the relationship of Jesus to the one God of Israel. The authors challenge the notion that biblical monotheism is legitimately represented by a Trinitarian view of God and demonstrate that within…

The One: In Defense of God
By: J. Dan Gill
This is an extraordinary book! As a Christian pastor, J. Dan Gill confronts the great issues regarding God and faith in our time. From atheism and agnosticism to eastern religions and New Age; from religious pluralism and popular philosophies to…

REV Bible (Revised English Version & Commentary)
By: Spirit & Truth Fellowship International
The Revised English Version® (REV®) is the New Testament version by Spirit & Truth Fellowship International®. We call it the REV because we are presenting a revised version of earlier English versions, primarily the American Standard Version of 1901 (ASV),…

Glory to God in the Highest
By: Joel Hemphill
From Trumpet Call books: "We are celebrating the release of Joel’s new book, “Glory To God In The Highest.” It is a 520 page work filled with scriptural and historical insights regarding the truth of the One Most High God and…

Divine Truth or Human Tradition?
By: Patrick Navas
In Divine Truth or Human Tradition? the author critically examines the viewpoints and Scripture expositions of prominent evangelical scholars and apologists-including Dr. James R. White (author of The Forgotten Trinity), Dr. John MacArthur (President of The Master's Seminary), Wayne Grudem…

One God, the Father, One Man Messiah Translation: New Testament with Commentary
By: Anthony Buzzard
Most churchgoers are unaware that what they receive in church as Bible has been filtered to them through a lens of Greek philosophical thinking. This tradition adversely affects current Christian teaching, obscuring central aspects of the original belief of Jesus…

Sixteen American Unitarian Tracts
By: Various Authors
This volume consists of unedited reprints of tracts from the American Unitarian Association, 1827-1834. Includes: One Hundred Scriptural Arguments for the Unitarian Faith Omniscience the Attribute of the Father Only, Joseph Hutton. The Doctrine of Pronouns Applied to Christ’s…

Unitarian Principles Confirmed by Trinitarian Testimonies
By: John Wilson
A selection of revealing admissions from Trinitarian authorities of the nineteenth century compiled by the Unitarian John Wilson.
Read the book online here.

Scripture Proofs and Scriptural Illustrations of Unitarianism
By: John WIlson
This treatise by nineteenth century Unitarian John Wilson lays out a very comprehensive scriptural case for unitarianism and tries to rebut alleged scriptural evidence for trinitarianism. There are thousands of references to Bible passages and other relevant works. Read the…

The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah
By: Anthony Buzzard
There is an impressive agreement among New Testament scholars that the Kingdom of God was the principal theme of all that Jesus taught. What Jesus meant by the Kingdom, however, remains a puzzle both to commentators and Bible readers. Since…