The Trinity

34 Reasons Why the “Holy Spirit” Is Not A “Person” – Separate From the Only True God, the Father

-originally posted at The doctrine of the Trinity depends upon the reality of a “third person” called “the Holy Spirit” to complete a supposed multi-personal Godhead. Without such a separate person who is “co-eternal” and “co-equal” with the Father and the Son, the “Triune” God disintegrates.  It is therefore…

Mystery vs. Contradiction

by Don Snedeker From “Our Heavenly Father Has No Equals,” 1998   In order to escape the contradictoriness of the doctrine of the Trinity, most of its advocates argue that it is a mystery and must simply be “taken on faith.” We are sometimes told that our minds are too…

The Athanasian Creed vs Jesus

What the ancient creeds of the Catholic Church appear to demonstrate is less of an Apostolic standard for faith and more a representation of how effectively philosophy had progressively encroached upon the Christian mind in the early centuries, to the shocking effect that later statements such as the Athanasian Creed…

Thomas Jefferson and the Doctrine of the Trinity

The following are excerpts from Thomas Jefferson's refutations of the doctrine of the Trinity.  Retrieved from Letters from Thomas Jefferson: To John Adams, 1813  It is too late in the day for men of sincerity to pretend they believe in the Platonic mysticisms that three are one, and one is…